Membership Information
Members Dues Payment Link
All NEW NMRPC shooters for 2024 must complete the WAIVER FORM!
Joining NMRPC
The New Milford Rifle and Pistol Club has a set membership application process. All new members join under a 1 year probation period. During the probation period you will be provided the code to the main gate and have access to all outside club grounds and ranges. After 1 year an Associate Member can petition for full membership. All regular members have key/code access to the building facilities and ranges at all times. A member must maintain at least a yearly membership with the NRA and full understanding of the clubs by-laws and Policy/Procedure Manual is also required. We offer a way to get a discount on your membership through service provided to the club ($5/hour up to 12 hours or $60 off) per calendar year. This is not only to simply "do work" but we feel that an actively involved membership helps develop and steer the future of NMRPC. Many have the idea that work can be only manual labor but in reality any service provided, whether it be as an administrator, helping run an event, as an Range Safety Officer (RSO) or simply taking out the trash counts toward that discount. We run several monthly events during the year, both classes and shooting events, along with general maintenance of the facilities and ask full participation of our members. This is most important to the success not only of the events but of the club as a whole and it creates an atmosphere of pride and ownership.
The membership application is a 2 month process. To become a member you have to attend one of our regular meetings and have with you a completed application (you can fill one out there), proof of NRA membership (you can join at that time for a discounted rate), completed PA Criminal History Background Check (PATCH) and your dues payment in full. This meeting will consist of a "meet and greet" style introduction. You must be sponsored by a current member in good standing and you may be interviewed by another member. At the next regular monthly meeting the application will be read again and voted on and you will be contacted with the results of that vote.
Membership Application, Bylaws and Policy/Procedure Manual click below to download
General Meetings - 7pm, 2nd Thursday each month
The Monthly Regular Meetings of the New Milford Rifle and Pistol Club are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month and begin at 7pm. All meetings are held at the club house. These meetings are usually brief and give the members a chance to ask questions, express an opinion or get to know the club better. At this time we also handle the business of the organization as each member has a say in how the club functions. We entertain reports from various committees such as Rifle, Pistol and Trap. At times there will be special reports from seasonal committees such as By-Laws, Father's Day Chicken BBQ, Nominating and Trustees. There is also a full report from our Delegate to the PA Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists, where we discuss the activities of that organization and weigh in on issues that affect us as Hunters, Anglers and Trappers as well as various conservation concerns and 2nd Amendment Rights.
Membership Categories
This member with have all the rights and privileges of a probationary member but must be accompanied by an adult, either parent, guardian or member while at a sponsored shooting activity. The club will sponsor this category for any youth actively involved on any of the club's youth shooting sports teams.
Military Member
The club recognizes the sacrifice and dedication of all our armed forces and is eternally thankful for their service, both for our past veterans and those that currently serve. NMRPC will suspend all dues and work requirements for any member in good standing that enters the military during their membership at the club. They will continue to have all the rights and privileges contained under their current membership status.
Any member, who is 18 years of age or older and attending a post-secondary College, University or Trade School may apply for this membership status as long as they were a Junior Member or the child living in the household of a Regular Member for a period of at least one (1) year before turning 18. The dues payment for a Student Member will be 50% of a Regular Member with no work requirements. requirement. Maximum age, regardless of post-secondary enrollment will be 26.
Regular Individual and Regular Family
All new Regular Members will have a 1 year probation period where some access will be limited. The Regular Member has full access to all buildings and ranges. Family consists of a family unit living at a single address including children under 18. Adults can use the club separately as if individual members, youth must be accompanied by an adult.
A Regular Member can apply for Lifetime Membership after 25 years of membership in good standing or after reaching the age of 65 after 5 years of regular membership in good standing.
As with any membership supported, volunteer organization, there is always a need for service to keep the doors open. We offer a discount on membership fees to those that offer their time in service to the club.